Title | Author(s) | Session |
Australia’s Replacement Research Reactor Project | Kevin Harris | 1 -Technical Session 1: New Research Reactors Projects |
Current Status of the PIK Reactor | Kir Konoplev | 1 -Technical Session 1: New Research Reactors Projects |
Design and safety considerations for the 10 MW(t) multipurpose TRIGA reactor in Thailand | Junaid Razvi, J.M.Bolin, A.R.Veca, W.L.Whittemore and S.Proongmuang | 1 -Technical Session 1: New Research Reactors Projects |
Status of the FRM-II Project at Garching | Gunter Wierheim, H.J. Didier | 1 -Technical Session 1: New Research Reactors Projects |
Status of TRR-II project: Conceptual Design | Yuan-Ching Chou, S.H. Chen and D.Y. Hsia | 1 -Technical Session 1: New Research Reactors Projects |
The "Réacteur Jules Horowitz": The preliminary design | Sylvie Frachet, A.Ballagny, J.L.Minguet and C.Leydier | 1 -Technical Session 1: New Research Reactors Projects |
Certification safety assessment of Research Reactors and radioactive facilities | Wilma Bastos | 1a -Poster Session 1 |
Cold neutron sources for applications at Research Reactors and accelerators | Dante Voi, Luiz H. Claro, Wilson J. Vieira and Roberto Stasiulevicius | 1a -Poster Session 1 |
Hydrogen and deuterium cold and ultracold neutron sources at the PNPI research reactor in Gatchina | V. Mityukhlyaev, A. Serebrov, A. Zakharov | 1a -Poster Session 1 |
Neutron Scattering Kernels for Cold Moderator Materials | Rolando Granada, V.H. Gillette, M.M. Sbaffoni and E. Pepe | 1a -Poster Session 1 |
Thermo-hydraulic test of the moderator cell of liquid hydrogen cold neutron source for the Budapest Research Reactor | A. Zaharov, T.Grosz, V.A. Mityukhlyaev, L. Rosta, A.P. Serebrov and T. Hargitai | 1a -Poster Session 1 |
A solid-deuterium source of ultra-cold neutrons at the FRM-II | Wolfgang Schott, I. Altarev, F.J.Hartmann, S.Paul, C.Seidel and U.Trinks | 2 -Technical Session 2: Secondary Neutron Sources (I) |
Status report on the cold neutron source of the Garching neutron research facility FRM-II | Klaus Gobrecht | 2 -Technical Session 2: Secondary Neutron Sources (I) |
Use of Zircaloy 4 material for the pressure vessels of hot and cold neutron sources and beam tubes for Research Reactors | Anton Scheuer and Erwin Gutsmiedl | 2 -Technical Session 2: Secondary Neutron Sources (I) |
Comparison between experimental results and calculations during the commissioning of the ETRR-2 | Eduardo Villarino, Carlos Lecot, Ashraf Enany and Gustavo Gennuso | 2a -Poster Session 2 |
Design of the Control Plates and Guide Box System for the MPR Reactor | M. Markiewicz | 2a -Poster Session 2 |
Loss of flow incident – Simulation and measurements in the MPR | Alicia Doval and Hesham Abdou | 2a -Poster Session 2 |
Power density distribution by gamma scanning of fuel rods measurement technique in RA-8 critical facility | Gustavo Gennuso, D.F. Hergenreder, C.A. Lecot | 2a -Poster Session 2 |
The GENEPI-MASURCA coupling for the neutronic investigations of subcritical multiplying media in presence of an external neutron source: The MUSE experiments | Roland Soule, G. Granget, J.P. Chauvin, P. Thomas, J.F. Lebrat, M. Martini et al. | 2a -Poster Session 2 |
Theoretical analysis of the fluid dynamic loads on the fuel element of the research reactor Munich II | H. Sprünken, J.Adamek, H.Unger | 2a -Poster Session 2 |
An advanced liquid hydrogen cold source for the NIST Research Reactor | Robert Williams, Paul Kopetka and J.Michael Rowe | 3 -Technical Session 3: Secondary Neutron Sources (II) |
HFIR Cold Source Project | Douglas Selby | 3 -Technical Session 3: Secondary Neutron Sources (II) |
HFIR Scientific facilities upgrade project | Colin West, M.B.Farrar | 3 -Technical Session 3: Secondary Neutron Sources (II) |
BNCT Irradiation Facility at JRR-4 | Keisuke Kaieda, Y.Torii, T.Kishi, H.Kumada, K.Ymamoto, K.Yokoo, N.Ohhashi, F.Sakurai | 3a -Poster Session 3 |
Design and qualification of the RA-6 reactor BNCT facility | Osvaldo Calzetta Larrieu, H.Blaumann and J.Longhino | 3a -Poster Session 3 |
The IPR-R1 Triga Mark I reactor in 39 years: operations and general improvements | Fausto Maretti Junior, Marcio Prado Fernandes, Paulo Fernando Oliveira et al. | 3a -Poster Session 3 |
Commissioning and start-up of RA-8 Critical Assembly | Néstor De Lorenzo et al. | 4 -Technical Session 4: New Research Reactors Facilities (I) |
Experimental installations and instruments at the FRM-II | Erich Steichele | 4 -Technical Session 4: New Research Reactors Facilities (I) |
Licensing of MAPLE Reactors in Canada | Albert Lee, J.P. Labrie and V.J. Langman | 4 -Technical Session 4: New Research Reactors Facilities (I) |
Pulsed TRIGA reactor as substitute for long pulse spallation neutron source | William Whittemore | 4 -Technical Session 4: New Research Reactors Facilities (I) |
Selective methods for the maintainability and standardization of the engineering of a research reactor | Néstor Rico | 4a -Poster Session 4 |
In-core fuel management, Safety and Thermal Hydraulics Studies for Upgrading TRIGA MARK II Research Reactor | S.I. Bhuiyan, M.A.W. Mondal, M.Rahman, M.M.Sarker, M.Q.Huda, M.S.Shadatullah, T.K.Chakroborty and M.J.H. Khan | 4a -Poster Session 4 |
Analysis of heavy water lattice experiments on Research Reactors for nuclear data testing | Francisco Leszczynski | 4a -Poster Session 4 |
Core and experimental facilities characterization during the commissioning of the ETRR2 reactor | Gustavo Gennuso, C.Lecot, Amr Abdelhady | 5 -Technical Session 5: New Research Reactors Facilities(II) |
General description and production lines of the egyptian fuel manufacturing pilot plant | Ibrahim Elseaidy and W.I.Zidan | 5 -Technical Session 5: New Research Reactors Facilities(II) |
Increasing the Neutron Flux study for the TRR-II Core Design | Chien-Hsiand Chen and Jing-Tong Yang | 5 -Technical Session 5: New Research Reactors Facilities(II) |
Investigation of the transition from forced to natural convection in the research reactor Munich II | Steffe Skreba, J.Adamek, H.Unger | 5 -Technical Session 5: New Research Reactors Facilities(II) |
Preliminary analysis of accidents control rod accidents in the CRCN-R1 Multipurpose Reactor Core of Recife in Brazil | José Rubens Maiorino and Rubens Souza dos Santos | 5 -Technical Session 5: New Research Reactors Facilities(II) |
Current status of the World’s Research Reactors | Brian Dodd | 6 -Technical Session 6: Operating Research Reactors Facilities (I) |
Present status and future perspective of research and test reactors in JAERI | Keisuke Kaieda and Osamu Baba | 6 -Technical Session 6: Operating Research Reactors Facilities (I) |
Utilization program of Hanaro under IMF situation in Korea | Chang Oong Choi, Il Hiun Kuk, Sung Ki Chae | 6 -Technical Session 6: Operating Research Reactors Facilities (I) |
Comparative studies of practice and regulations in different Igorr member countries | F. Arnould | 7 -Technical Session 7: Operating Research Reactors Facilities (II) |
Research Reactors in Argentina | Carlos R. Calabrese | 7 -Technical Session 7: Operating Research Reactors Facilities (II) |
Status of fuel irradiation tests in HANARO | Hark Rho Kim, Choong Sung Lee, Kye Hong Lee, Byung Jin Jun and Ji Bok Lee | 7 -Technical Session 7: Operating Research Reactors Facilities (II) |
Development of irradiation technique with saturated temperature capsule in the JMTR | Kimihiro Ohtaka, Yoshinori Matui, Takashi Tukada, Motoe Suzuki and Kouitiro Hide | 8 -Technical Session 8: Improvement of Research Reactors Facilities |
Feasibility study for improvement of efficient irradiation with LEU Core in JMTR | Michihiro Naka, Yoshiharu Nagao, Bunsaku Komukai and Toshio Tabata | 8 -Technical Session 8: Improvement of Research Reactors Facilities |
Improvements to the Primary Circuit of the FRJ-2 | Johannes Wolters, G.Damm and W.Krauthausen | 8 -Technical Session 8: Improvement of Research Reactors Facilities |
A simulator-independent optimization tool based on generic algorithm applied to nuclear reactor design | C.M.N. Abreu Pereira, Roberto Schirru and Aquilino Senra Martinez | 9 -Technical Session 9: Research and Development Needs |
Wireless condition monitoring for the RA-6 Research Reactor | O.García Peyrano, O. Calzetta, E.Coutsiers, H.Damiani | 9 -Technical Session 9: Research and Development Needs |