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22nd IGORR conference
Some words about the joint TRTR-IGORR meeting from June 18th to 23rd 2023
21st IGORR conference
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September 2005 - Washington, USA
Preparation for the next generation of nuclear power plants
Reyes L. A.
0 - Welcoming Session
Keynote Address
William Magwood, Former Director, DOE-NE
0 - Welcoming Session
Keynote Address
West C.
0 - Welcoming Session
Performance of the New Hihg Flux Neutron Source FRM-II
Petry W.
0 - Welcoming Session
The Jules Horowitz Reactor, a new material testing reactor in Europe
Iracane D.
0 - Welcoming Session
Progress on the Construction of Australia’s Replacement Research Reactor (OPAL)
Miller R.
1 - Technical session 1
Enhancing Research Reactor Safety – The IAEA’s Approach
1 - Technical session 1
First Experience with the Operation of the FRM-II
Gerstenberg H.
2 - Operating Reactors and upgrades
Advanced Test Reactor Capabilities and Future Operating Plans
Marshall F.
2 - Operating Reactors and upgrades
Status of the High Flux Isotope Reactor and the Reactor Scientific Upgrades Program
Selby D.
2 - Operating Reactors and upgrades
Research Reactor Low Enriched Uranium: Supply, Demand, Capabilities and Quality
Hassler M.
3 - Fuel Cycle Developments
Update on the Effort to Develop and Qualify New Low Enrichment Fuels
Meyer M.
3 - Fuel Cycle Developments
Scientific Opportunities at OPAL, the Australian Replacement Research Reactor
Robinson R.
4 - Research Reactor Utilization
A Preview of Research Projects at the NC State University PULSTAR Reactor
Cook A.
4 - Research Reactor Utilization
Irradiation Devices for Materials Studies in the Jules Horowitz Reactor
Yvon P.
4 - Research Reactor Utilization
Document 2
MIT Research Reactor as a National User Facility for Advanced Materials and Fuel Research
Hu L.W.
4 - Research Reactor Utilization
An Overview of Current Projects / Reactor Utilization for the Advanced Test Reactor
Howard R.
4 - Research Reactor Utilization
Jules Horowitz Reactor Experimental Capabilities
Gaillot S.
4 - Research Reactor Utilization
Operating Licensing Results
Doyle P.
5A - Licensing
Licensing Issues
Hughes D.
5A - Licensing
The FRM-II Hot and Cold Neutron Sources
Müller C.
5B - Secondary Sources
Installation and Testing of the OPAL (RRR) Cold Neutron Source
Thiering R.
5B - Secondary Sources
High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) Cold Source Safety Analysis
Cook D.
5B - Secondary Sources
Jules Horowitz Reactor: General Lay Out, Main Design Options Resulting From Safety Options, Technical Performances and Operating Constraints
Bravo X.
6A - New Reactor Facilities
The Jules Horowitz Reactor Core and Cooling Circuits Design
Pascal C.
6A - New Reactor Facilities
OPAL Reactor Commissioning and Operations Planning
Vittorio D.
6A - New Reactor Facilities
Planning for Final Operation of the HIFAR Reactor
Vittorio D.
6A - New Reactor Facilities
Kansas State University (KSU) Reactor License Renewal Experience
Whaley M.
6A - New Reactor Facilities
Accelerator Driven Subcritical Experiments at The University of Texas
O’Kelly S.
6A - New Reactor Facilities
Design of a gas test loop facility for the advanced test reactor
Wemple C.
7A - Reactor Utilization
Developing Irradiation Devices for Fuel Experiments in the Jules Horowitz Reactor
Parrat D.
7A - Reactor Utilization
The New CABRI Water Loop: Detailed Description of the New Water Loop and of the Specific New Zircaloy in Core Experimental Cell
Bourguignon D.
7A - Reactor Utilization
Document 2
Research Reactor in the Event Of an Earthquake: Safety Targets, Technical Approaches and Work Carried Out
Plewinski F.
7B - Reactor Safety
Disparities in the Safety Demonstrations for Research Reactors and Need for Harmonization
Abou Yehia H.
7B - Reactor Safety
CABRI Reactor Safety Re-Assessment
Massieux S., Couturier
7B - Reactor Safety
Isotope Ratio Method Analysis of the Ford Nuclear Reactor
Gesh C.
8A - Decommissioning
Characterization of a University TRIGA Reactor
Taylor K.
8A - Decommissioning
DOE University programs
Guttridge J.
8B - DOE Research Reactor Programs
2005 Status Report for the University Reactor Fuel Assistance Program
Vinnola A.
8B - DOE Research Reactor Programs
The process for shipment of test, research and training reactor spent nuclear fuel (SNF) to the INL
Robb A. and Wahnschaffe S.
8B - DOE Research Reactor Programs
SUNRISE - A regional concept for University research reactors
Kochendarfer, Kelly J.
9A - Computational Methods
A Computational Model of the High Flux Isotope Reactor: Validation and Application to Low Enriched Uranium Fuels
Xoubi N.
9A - Computational Methods
Determination of Inventories and Power Distributions for the NBSR
Hanson A.
9A - Computational Methods
Core Design for Neutron Flux Maximization in Research Reactors
Teruel F.
9A - Computational Methods
Global threat reduction approach
Anne C.
9A - Computational Methods
The IPR-R1 TRIGA Mark I Reactor: Improving the Brazilian Nuclear Technology in 45 Years of Operation
Fausto M.
9B - Reactor Utilization
Material and Fuel Testing in the OSIRIS Reactor
Durande-Ayme Ph.
9B - Reactor Utilization
Instrumented Fuel Plate for IRIS Irradiation Program in the OSIRIS Reactor
Boulcourt P.
9B - Reactor Utilization
The FRG-1 Cold Neutron Source - Measures for High Neutron Flux and Availability
Knop W.
9C - Secondary Sources
Current Status of the HANARO CNS Moderator Cell Design
Yu Y.J.
9C - Secondary Sources
Special Constructional Design Features of Cold and Hot Neutron Sources and Confirmation/Verification during Commissioning of the Hot and Cold Neutron Sources at the FRM-II
9C - Secondary Sources
Analysis of the Causes and Consequences of Neutron Guide Tube Failures
Rowe J.M.
9C - Secondary Sources
Feasibility of a Liquid Deuterium Cold Source at NIST
Williams R. E.
9C - Secondary Sources
The Recent Upgrade to the Penn State TRIGA Reactor Control and Monitoring System
Heidrich B.
9D - 50th Anniversary: Pennsylvania State Breazeale Reactor
Transient Rod Drop Time - A Synopsis of a Reportable Event
Bryan M.E.
9D - 50th Anniversary: Pennsylvania State Breazeale Reactor
Neutron Imaging at Penn State: Past, Present and Future
Brenizer J.
9E - Reactor Utilization
Facilities, Uses and Capabilities of NAA at the Radiation and Engineering Center at Penn State
Hauck D.
9E - Reactor Utilization
Development of Time-Of-Flight and Neutron Depth Profiling at Penn State University
Cetiner S.
9E - Reactor Utilization
Inspecting a research reactor's control rod surface for pitting using a machine vision approach
Tokuhiro A.T.
9F - Operations and Maintenance
Replacement of the Regulating Rod in the Reed Research Reactor
Barnett R.C.
9F - Operations and Maintenance
OPAL Licensing
Ordonez J.P.
9G - Licensing and Safety
Radiation-Induced Growth in Zircaloy-4 under Research Reactor Operating Conditions
Harrison R.
9G - Licensing and Safety
Seismic Strengthening of the ILL High Flux Reactor Building
Germane L.
9G - Licensing and Safety
Dismantling Internal Concrete Structures in an Operating Nuclear Research Reactor
Frery F.
9G - Licensing and Safety
Safety Re-evaluation and Relicensing of the HFR-Petten
Stoop P.
9G - Licensing and Safety
Upgrade of the Wide Range Reactor Instrumentation at the Washington State University Nuclear Radiation Center
Corwin E.
9H - Operation and Maintenance
Developing and Optimizing Resources for an Upgrade to 3-Shift Operation: The Experience at the NC State University PULSTAR Reactor
Lassell S.
9H - Operation and Maintenance
Experience in Rotary Specimen Rack (RSR) Operations, Maintenance and Repairs at the Kansas State University TRIGA II Reactor
Whaley M.
9H - Operation and Maintenance
Long-Term Experience Operating with LEU at Up-rated Power
Talnagi J.
9H - Operation and Maintenance
Upgrading and Refurbishing of Secondary Cooling System and Air Monitor
DeBey T.
9H - Operation and Maintenance
Sandia National Labs Annular Core Research Reactor Outage Lessons Learned (July 04 – Mar 05)
Clovis D.
9H - Operation and Maintenance
In-Pile CFUZ53 Sub-Miniature Fission Chambers Qualification in BR2 Under PWR Conditions
Oriol L.
9I - Reactor Utilization
Innovative In-Pile Instrumentation Developments for Irradiation Experiments in MTRs
Villard J.F.
9I - Reactor Utilization
The ENEA-CASACCIA Research Reactors: Current Status
Rosa R.
9I - Reactor Utilization
The PHEBUS Facility and Related Studies
Belpomo Y.
9I - Reactor Utilization
The Place of EOLE, MINERVE and MASURCA Facilities in the R&D Activities of the CEA
Fougeras Ph.
9I - Reactor Utilization
Measurements of Nuclear Heating Rate and Neutron Flux in HANARO CN Hole for Designing the Moderator Cell of Cold Neutron Source
Kim M.S.
9I - Reactor Utilization
KSU Nuclear Education
Whaley M.
9J - Poster Session
Upgrade Plan of Instrumentation and Control System for HANARO
Wu J.S.
9J - Poster Session
Ten Year Review of Tritium Build-up in Heavy Water Coolant/Moderator for 20 MW Test Reactor and Resulting Radiological Consequences
Brown D.R.
9J - Poster Session
Processing or Shipping Samples Back Home – How It’s Done at NCNR
Consani K.A.
9J - Poster Session
Structural Integrity Verification of a Primary Circuit Pump Flywheel for the OPAL Research Reactor
Harrison R.P.
9J - Poster Session
Mechanical Characteristics of Aluminum Alloys 5754-Net-O and 6061-T6 Irradiated to High Fluences: Neutron Spectrum and Temperature Effects
Kapusta B.
9J - Poster Session
· Last modified: 2023/12/29 07:41 by
Joerg Pulz
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